Around the verb include: heuristic performatives of inclusive education

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Aldo Ocampo González


us to recognize that it is more interested in shaping a program of change and justice. The work at first, analyzes the power of the epistemological nomadismin of inclusive education, which inaugurates a new way of conceiving and practicing heuristic work. Its eventual, transrelational, alterative and transformative nature of thought schemes describe it as a powerful resource and heuristic reasoning system for thinking about the constitutive problems of the contemporary world. In a second moment, the characteristics of the verb include as a vector of analysis and configutation of reality are analyzed, it articulates its activity through the notions of performativity and performance, revealing multiple forms of action and intervention of reality and space. So far, inclusive education can be described in terms of movement, especially when used in terms of slogans and, on occasions, to identify itself around a strange ideal of diversity. The work concludes by examining the potential of analytical constellations in the construction of knowledge of inclusive education

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How to Cite
Ocampo González, A. (2021). Around the verb include: heuristic performatives of inclusive education. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 13(27), 18-54. Retrieved from
Articulos Num.27
Author Biography

Aldo Ocampo González

Teórico y crítico educativo. Director fundador del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI) Primer centro de investigación creado en Chile y América Latina y el Caribe, dedicado al estudio teórico y metodológico de la Educación Inclusiva, articula su actividad desde una perspectiva inter-, post-, y para-disciplinar. Institución afiliada al Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) y la international Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP). Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación ‘CumLaude’, por la Universidad de Granada, España. Doctorando adscrito al Programa de Doctoradoen Filosofía de la Universidad de Granada, España.


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