Neurosciences, human ethology and education: an anthropological perspective

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Diego Alejandro Calle-Sandoval


This paper revolves around the integrating dialectical relationship between the neurosciences of education, human ethology of the last decades and their contribution to the question of modernity What is man? From the initial postulates of Morin, going through the anthropological view of Gehlen and collecting the empirical findings of brain development in the early years, the proposal seeks to raise a bridge between concepts of development and pedagogy proposed by Kant. That is to say, the one of an unfinished being that is constructed from education and pedagogy from the contribution of the social thing.

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How to Cite
Calle-Sandoval, D. A. (2019). Neurosciences, human ethology and education: an anthropological perspective. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 12(24), 112-119. Retrieved from
Artículos Vol. 12
Author Biography

Diego Alejandro Calle-Sandoval

Docente investigador de la Universidad Libre de Cali. Doctor en psicología con orientación en neurociencias cognitivas aplicadas.


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