Construction of discourse as the basis for generating new knowledge in higher education

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Samuel Forero-Buitrago


The experience of research involves the requirement of training and knowledge, mediated at the same time under a series of characteristics of who performs the generation of knowledge exercise. The present reflection develops three topics that go from the empirical dispositions of the researcher to the demand of the elaborated and structured discourse. For this purpose, initially, some antecedents that shape the daily life of the investigation are addressed. Next, the construction and legitimacy of the discourses that shape an institutionality of knowledge. Finally, it is interesting to gather the experience of the researcher in the elaboration of the research work in the processes of advanced education.

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How to Cite
Forero-Buitrago, S. (2019). Construction of discourse as the basis for generating new knowledge in higher education. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 12(24), 14-26. Retrieved from
Artículos Vol. 12
Author Biography

Samuel Forero-Buitrago

Magister en Hermenéutica Bíblica de la Universidad de Antioquia. Magister en Teología con énfasis en Bioética de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Especialista en Gerencia de Instituciones de Educación Superior de la Universidad Santo Tomás. Decano de División de Ingenierías y Arquitectura, Universidad Santo Tomás, Seccional Tunja. Doctorando en Derecho de la Universidad Castilla La Mancha.


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