Personal debt: the new biopolitical management

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José Miguel Segura Gutiérrez


In this ariticle propose a personal reflection based on the experience of granting a  mortgage and assigning a family subsidy for the purchase of low-income housing in Villavicencio (Colombia) during 2018 and which I continue to amortize to date. For this, I will make an analysis of the physical, emotional and collaborative action implications that the acquisition of my own home has had for me, highlightingthe material conditions of the debt and its effects on the debtor, as a product of the prevailing neoliberal regime. This with a view to showing how access to own housing via mortgage credit, ends up inducing the subject towards poverty, as a product of the debt contracted for housing tenure (credit) and the new expenses that must be paid for its maintenance (services public, administration), thus revealinga new urban poverty, whose real and symbolic effects fall on the realization of the life project, sense of protection and care that characterize the human subject, and which undoubtedly from the financial mamagement carried out by the banking, and which is exacerbated by job insecurity.

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How to Cite
Segura Gutiérrez, J. M. (2021). Personal debt: the new biopolitical management. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 13(27), 80-95. Retrieved from
Articulos Num.27
Author Biography

José Miguel Segura Gutiérrez

Magíster en Desarrollo Educativo y Social (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional). Investigadorjunior y par evaluador-Colciencias. Profesor Área de Humanidades UniversidadCooperativa de Colombia (Villavicencio).


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