Published: 2020-08-06

Carbon footprint in sugar cane cultivation. Agricultural evaluation of a case study of the ecuadorian amazon

Angy Isabel Soto-Cabrera, Alexandra Paola Panimboza-Ojeda, Anghello Ramones-Pinargote, Amaury Pérez-Martínez, Liliana Bárbara Sarduy-Pereira, Karel Diéguez-Santana


Development of auto parts and engine assembly process for new models of vehicle

Jaime Andrés Mejía, Claudia Marcela Sánchez, Hermann Stuart Fuquen, José Luis Mendivelso, Daniel Osorio


Design, calculation, and construction of a fluidized bed oven fed with rice husk for drying paddy rice

Yolman Hernández Torres, Waldy Jair Torres Zuñiga, Gonzalo Guillermo Moreno Contreras


Pump irrigation systems for peach crops in the municipality of Sotaquira department of Boyacá

Ángela González Amarillo, Adriana Granados Comba, Rafael Ramírez Alvarado, Rúa Ramírez Rúa Ramírez, Alfonso Higuera Pérez


Energy consumption estimate of a house

Diego Andrés Bautista López, Maria Paula Mantilla Arias


Wearable technology a competitive advantage in sports training

Lorena Hernández Hernández, María Camila Barrera Cortés, Ávila Barón Ávila Barón, Téllez Tinjacá Téllez Tinjacá, Henry Alfonso Guío Ávila


Space recognition with path optimization using the “turtlebot3 burger” robot

David Leonardo Martínez, Rojas Barreto Rojas Barreto, William Fernando Bernal


Design, construction and evaluation of a refrigeration system for the sp150p photovoltaic panel

Gallo Miranda Gallo Miranda, Jefferson Salamanca Cárdenas, Carlos Batista Rodríguez, Saúl Hernández Moreno
