Aesthetic utopia. “towards the unity of the globe”

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Emmanuel José Ávila Estrada


The present text aims to expose the notion of “aesthetic utopia” from the philosophical thought of René Schérer, understanding it as a power (puissance) that can change reality, transform it (in the sense of revolution), proof of this we will see, in particular in the proposal for an “aesthetic-passionate education”. Because of this, the text has been organized in two parts: the first, it will seek to show the foundations of “aesthetic utopia” in the thought of René Schérer, also addressing some of the key notions that give shape to this utopia, such as utopia-philosophy and passionate aesthetics. In the second part, it will be sought to account, from all this "constellations" of notions, the way in which “aesthetic utopia” is conceived in its connection with “desire”.

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How to Cite
Ávila Estrada, E. J. (2020). Aesthetic utopia. “towards the unity of the globe”. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 13(26), 33-57. Retrieved from
Articulos Num.26
Author Biography

Emmanuel José Ávila Estrada

Filósofo de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Aspirante a Magíster en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. 


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