Capitalism and democracy. Some fundamentals and essential questions

Main Article Content

Danis Roberto Mahecha-Espinosa
P.s. Henry Sánchez-Olarte


The article of reflection approaches the beginning and development of Capitalism, of some essential ideas of its fundaments and questionings, in economic, historical, political and cultural aspects, in the world and particularly in Latin America and Colombia. The main authors and ideas are taken into account both for their defense and their criticism. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief, quick and essential reading of the origin and development of capitalism, presenting its intellectual leaders and also its internal and external contractors, so that the reader has an overview and can thus form a better awareness and attitude about the two conceptions that are presented here. It attempts to analyze its progress and its limitations as a socio-economic formation, which is subsequent to Feudalism and prior to Socialism. The analyzes presented are part of the academic and scientific exercise for the debate on the subject, in this era of a new global crisis.

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How to Cite
Mahecha-Espinosa, D. R., & Sánchez-Olarte, P. H. (2018). Capitalism and democracy. Some fundamentals and essential questions. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 11(23), 173-188. Retrieved from
Articulos Vol. 11
Author Biographies

Danis Roberto Mahecha-Espinosa

Psicólogo. Diplomado en Comunicación Alternativa, Especialista en Gerencia, Magister en Investigación social interdisciplinaria, Profesor Universitario de Pregrado y Postgrado, ExDecano Unad.

P.s. Henry Sánchez-Olarte

Psicólogo-Periodista. Especialización en ciencias políticas. Especialista en pedagógica para el desarrollo del aprendizaje. Diplomado en investigación. Exdirector del departamento de humanidades de USTA Tunja. Actual director de la especialización jurídica forense de USTA Tunja.


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MAHECHA ESPINOSA, DANIS R. (2009).Tendencias Políticas: Capitalismo y Socialismo. Bogotá: Unad.

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OSER J. y BLANCHFIELD W. (1980). Historia del pensamiento Económico. Madrid: Aguilar.

WILLS, M. (2000). Cultura y Poder: Una apuesta democrática. Bogotá: Planeta.