The care of the common house in Boyacá. The responsibilities and challenges of the USTATunja with the environment

Main Article Content

Fray Jorge Ferdinando Rodríguez Ruiz, O.P.


The purpose of the manuscript is based on highlighting the thinking of the Catholic Church around the field of "environment", in a historical development of recent times; John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. In a special way, the thinking of Pope Francis is highlighted in the speeches delivered during his visits to Latin America (Colombia, Chile and Peru), where he convenes the future synod of the Amazonia. On the other hand, it is committed to the academic community, trying to make changes in the cultural and environmental perspective, as opposed to the responsibility of the Santo Tomás University in Tunja, making a "brief inventory" of the main difficulties surrounding the environment in the department of Boyacá.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Ruiz, O.P., F. J. F. (2018). The care of the common house in Boyacá. The responsibilities and challenges of the USTATunja with the environment. Quaestiones Disputatae: Temas En Debate, 11(23), 218-236. Retrieved from
Articulos Vol. 11
Author Biography

Fray Jorge Ferdinando Rodríguez Ruiz, O.P., Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Tunja

PhD, En Educación de la Universidad Santo Tomás-Bogotá en el año 2018. Rector de la Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional-Tunja.


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