Desde sus orígenes, la Revista indexada Investigium Ire ha querido contribuir con el mejoramiento de la calidad investigativa en la gestión, el marketing, las relacione internacionales, las finanzas, la economía, la creatividad y la innovación en un contexto local, nacional e Internacional, que permita generar conocimiento en el campo de las ciencias administrativas y contables.

Published: 2020-07-07


Thinking smart

Gloria Edilma Ballesteros Rodríguez


Coaching guidelines that can be applied by the teacher as a strategy to enhance learning

Flor Marlen Ávila Guerrero, Edimer Gutiérrez Tobar, Samuel Antonio Vargas Vargas


Characterization of the profile of the entrepreneurial woman of the municipality of Silvania

Luz Merly Ferla Silva, Claudia Milena Rodríguez Moscoso, Olga Liliana Gutiérrez Castaño


Characterization of Duitama's sidewalk aqueducts through quality, performance and governance indicators

Cesar Augusto Figueredo Garzón, Nidia Stella Rincón Parra, Nubia Stella Salazar Villamil


Characterization of the administrative and operational management of the storekeeper of the city of Tunja

Burbano Galán Burbano Galán, Carlos Alberto Rojas Rodríguez, Ricardo Santos Martínez


Proposal for mitigating psychosocial risk factors in an energy company

María Elizabeth Ledesma Tarazona, Yenny Andrea Daza Contrera, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano


Education for sustainable development: an educational strategy in intensive care

Alejandro Geobanny Jurado Mejía, Marco Antonio Virgen Lujan, Heriberto Fernando Vargas Losada
