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Iris Nancy Ruiz-Quintero


Universities require for their development inte­grating databases to support decision making in this way the teacher evaluation improved the re­lationship with the students, allowing them to be more competitive, improving internal processes, minimizing costs and increasing profits, this is how the holy Tomas University branch Tunja has used the draft business Intelligence process for Teacher evaluation, which allows its executives to use the data Warehouse and OLAP technology in the analysis of information generated by the databases, once implemented concluded to do academic track individual teachers, schools and the university in general detailing its behavior for each of your Items and features.Data mining algorithms is seeking “knowledge” of different data bases with history teachers during their University course. The purpose of knowle­dge is preventing the Executives on irregular situations, anomalies and even negative events not detected early.

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How to Cite
Ruiz-Quintero, I. N. (2016). INTELIGENCIA DE NEGOCIOS AL PROCESO DE LA EVALUACION DOCENTE. In Vestigium Ire, 8(1), 206-214. Retrieved from
In Vestigium Ire Vol. 8
Author Biography

Iris Nancy Ruiz-Quintero, Universidad Santo Tomás

Ingeniera de Sistemas, Estudiante de Tercer Semestre deMaestría en Tecnología Informática, Administradora del Sistema de Evaluación Docente Tunja, Ingeniera de Registro y Control Universidad Santo Tomás Tunja. A.I.


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