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Javier Hernando Mazo-Mejía


Some important authors such as exponents of theories and ad­ministrative proposals made on organizations in relation to the changes have been reviewed in this article. There have been cho­sen some factors that the authors believe are the most influential to ensure the process of orga­nizational change against the demands of the world and the environment in general, inclu­ding: environmental profile, pro­file of a new era, the change, the confidence, the administrative process, leadership and the path to the spirituality; therefore an interpretation and application to the evolution of each organiza­tion based on their individuality and purposes have been carried out.

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How to Cite
Mazo-Mejía, J. H. (2016). LA ADMINISTRACIÓN FRENTE A LA VELOCIDAD DEL CAMBIO. In Vestigium Ire, 8(1), 36-47. Retrieved from
In Vestigium Ire Vol. 8
Author Biography

Javier Hernando Mazo-Mejía, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Seccional Palmira

Docente Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Seccional Palmira.Magíster en Estudios Políticos.


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