Design of a Mathematical Model to Calculate the Autonomy of Three Electric Bus Configurations to be Manufactured by "Autobuses AGA de Colombia"

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Mario Medina Pinto
Yolanda Torres Pérez


The development of electric vehicles in the world is beginning to have a positive impact, the reduction of greenhouse gases and the improvement of energy efficiency, mainly in the transport sector (cargo and passengers). Consequently, to the impulse that the electromobility industry brings, the company "Autobuses AGA de Colombia" has been developing an electric bus in three different configurations, both in dimensions and in passenger capacity and battery capacity and in which it does not have a mathematical model that allows you to calculate its autonomy, before its manufacture. For this reason, an algorithm was generated, with a mathematical base from the equations of vehicular dynamics, calculations of power, energy and state of charge of the batteries. Data from the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) harmonized driving cycle, data from technical sheets of the electric chassis supplier and technical sheets of the bodies were entered into the mathematical model developed. These data were processed using Matlab and Excel
 software, repeating the driving cycle until a battery charge state of 20% was obtained. With this data, Power, energy consuption, and autonomy graphs were created, among others, and a table of final data for each configuration, in two states of bus passenger capacity, empty and maximum capacity allowed. Data on consumption, autonomy and therefore its efficiency were obtained, which will help the company to make design decisions before manufacturing the product, compare with other manufacturers on energy efficiency issues and likewise optimize their processes. development of electric buses to participate in tenders in Colombia.


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How to Cite
Medina Pinto, M., & Torres Pérez , Y. (2023). Design of a Mathematical Model to Calculate the Autonomy of Three Electric Bus Configurations to be Manufactured by "Autobuses AGA de Colombia". Ingenio Magno, 14(1), 42 -52. Retrieved from


Dieselnet, “Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP),” 2016, [Online]. Available:

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