Business analysis in growth and regional development Bogotá DC and strategic municipalities of Cundinamarca

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Armando Piraquive-Cortés


In this article of reflection, a conceptual approach to regional growth and development is presented according to the business dynamics of the Bogotá DC and Cundinamarca coordination among companies of strategic municipalities: Facatativá, Madrid, Funza and Mosquera, their contribution to national, departmental, municipal and municipal GDP. Income per capita. Review of sectors, activities, demographics of the region, such as the types of companies, extension and their territorial location.The main objective of the research is to determine how the business dynamics ofthe Bogotá DC area and the strategic municipalities of the Western Sabana transform the socioeconomic, territorial dynamics from the urban and rural point of view and the influence of the POT on the policies of the use, property land, destination and price.Human mobility or migration from the countryside to the city, national and international, especially, the case of Venezuela which is growing and modifies the demographic base of municipalities near the capital city through changes in social policies and comprehensive among them, the possibilities of sources of work according to the sectors and organizational activities (companies), both local and those that have arrived in the region, mainly those relocated from Bogotá DC and their impact on the socioeconomic regional transformation.

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How to Cite
Piraquive-Cortés, A. (2018). Business analysis in growth and regional development Bogotá DC and strategic municipalities of Cundinamarca. In Vestigium Ire, 11(2), 113-131. Retrieved from
Artículos Núm. 11-2
Author Biography

Armando Piraquive-Cortés, Universidad de Cundinamarca

Economista y Magíster en Administración. Líder de investigación grupo Greico. Universidad de Cundinamarca – Programade Contaduría Pública, Extensión Facatativá, Colombia.


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