Innovation, science and Business

Main Article Content

Diego Fernando Arias-Sanabria


To glimpse the importance of the investigation in any field, is a responsibility of all those that we do investigation, those that yearn to do it and the institutions that contribute to that it is a reality.In the field of business throughout history, important changes have been generated that are articulated with skills related to innovation and growth between countries.Today, in contrast to previous decades, the level of innovation in this professional field has generated in entrepreneurs the need to enhance the creative capacity of each individual and channel it through the various innovation methodologies. Giving the possibility of being more sustainable when organizations and / or people manage to adopt a new conception of work that prioritizes curiosity and the continuous search for challenges that allow creating new realities.Therefore, according to Schumpeter (2009) innovation, refers to the assimilation and successful exploitation of an invention for the improvement of processes or introduction of new products or services in the market, which, will have to go hand in hand with the technological development and all the activities involved in driving the invention to a practical use. In the Green Paper on Innovation (European Commission, 1995) “innovation is considered synonymous with successfully producing, assimilating and exploiting a novelty - invention - in the economic and social spheres, in such a way that it contributes unprecedented solutions to the problems and This allows us to respond to the needs of people and society, which is why, when making a manuscript, new ideas must be translated that improve performance and generate greater competitiveness by having a mental attitude that seeks to improve and guarantee survival in markets agitated global and with changing dynamics.With volume 11-2 of In Vestigium Ire magazine, research on issues related to Public Accounting, Business Administration and International Business is called to make concrete contributions that contribute to improving coexistence, social justice, cooperation, socio-economic problems of the environment, social and productive transformation.Contributing to rethinking and investigating in the field of administrative and accounting sciences cannot be separated from the Colombian reality and the role of the universities within the scenario of the search for stable and lasting peace, since it is in the academy where the debate, dialogue and critical construction, where the formulation of problems and their possible solutions are encouraged.On this occasion, the manuscripts have been aimed at business competitiveness, corporate social responsibility, the labor market, and the dynamics of international trade, comprehensive training in education and the human condition from a generational perspective.The proposals presented in the magazine In Vestigium Ire, are the answer to the substantive work of researchers, where training in the field of research is understood as the process linked to professional training, in order to sensitize the student to activities of discovery and innovation and to provide the basic tools for the design and developmentof projects.From here I make a call to mobilize the knowledge and expertise of Colombia and what is done from the academy to continue being a reference to other nations that live similar processes and recognize the importance of the process that the country is experiencing.To glimpse the importance of the investigation in any field, is a responsibility of all those that we do investigation, those that yearn to do it and the institutions that contribute to that it is a reality.In the field of business throughout history, important changes have been generated that are articulated with skills related to innovation and growth between countries.Today, in contrast to previous decades, the level of innovation in this professional field has generated in entrepreneurs the need to enhance the creative capacity of each individual and channel it through the various innovation methodologies. Giving the possibility of being more sustainable when organizations and / or people manage to adopt a new conception of work that prioritizes curiosity and the continuous search for challenges that allow creating new realities.Therefore, according to Schumpeter (2009) innovation, refers to the assimilation and successful exploitation of an invention for the improvement of processes or introduction of new products or services in the market, which, will have to go hand in hand with the technological development and all the activities involved in driving the invention to a practical use. In the Green Paper on Innovation (European Commission, 1995) “innovation is considered synonymous with successfully producing, assimilating and exploiting a novelty - invention - in the economic and social spheres, in such a way that it contributes unprecedented solutions to the problems and This allows us to respond to the needs of people and society, which is why, when making a manuscript, new ideas must be translated that improve performance and generate greater competitiveness by having a mental attitude that seeks to improve and guarantee survival in markets agitated global and with changing dynamics.With volume 11-2 of In Vestigium Ire magazine, research on issues related to Public Accounting, Business Administration and International Business is called to make concrete contributions that contribute to improving coexistence, social justice, cooperation, socio-economic problems of the environment, social and productive transformation.Contributing to rethinking and investigating in the field of administrative and accounting sciences cannot be separated from the Colombian reality and the role of the universities within the scenario of the search for stable and lasting peace, since it is in the academy where the debate, dialogue and critical construction, where the formulation of problems and their possible solutions are encouraged.On this occasion, the manuscripts have been aimed at business competitiveness, corporate social responsibility, the labor market, and the dynamics of international trade, comprehensive training in education

Article Details

How to Cite
Arias-Sanabria, D. F. (2018). Innovation, science and Business. In Vestigium Ire, 11(2), 6-11. Retrieved from
Editorial Vol. 11-2
Author Biography

Diego Fernando Arias-Sanabria, Universidad Santo Tomas - Tunja

Decano Facultad de Negocios Internacionales