El acto administrativo como expresión de la función administrativa

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Julián Fernando Perilla-Zamudio


The teacher Jaime Orlando Santofimio Gamboa makes clear that the democracy is the point of item and formal and substantial determinant of the totality of the activity and administrative function of the State and, therefore, it is consolidated as the modal of the juridical applicable regime for the exercise of happiness function, of which some beginning can be glimpsed as that of legality, prevalencia of the general interest, responsibility, prevalencia and respect of the fundamental rights, division of power and control of the public activity. (Santofimio, 1998) The contentious administrative jurisdiction, originated in the year of 1799 with the creation of the French State council, across his failures has created the doctrine of the modern administrative law.

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How to Cite
Perilla-Zamudio, J. F. (2016). El acto administrativo como expresión de la función administrativa. In Vestigium Ire, 9(1), 175-183. Retrieved from http://revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/ivestigium/article/view/1157
Artículos Investigium Ire Vol. 9-1
Author Biography

Julián Fernando Perilla-Zamudio

Magíster en Derecho Administrativo.


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