Design, calculation, and construction of a fluidized bed oven fed with rice husk for drying paddy rice

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Yolman Hernández Torres
Waldy Jair Torres Zuñiga
Gonzalo Guillermo Moreno Contreras


Alternative energy sources have been shown to be energy efficient and clean when compared to hydrocarbon-based ones. The waste produced by a certain industrial process can have a useful function such as the generation of clean energy. In this article, the design, calculation and manufacture of a fluidized bed furnace fed with rice husk to generate energy was developed, which will later be used in the rice production process. In this specific case, the energy produced was used to generate hot air, which is used in the drying process of the paddy rice, this allows reducing production costs and giving a better environmental direction to the rice husk.


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How to Cite
Hernández Torres, Y., Torres Zuñiga, W. J., & Moreno Contreras, G. G. (2020). Design, calculation, and construction of a fluidized bed oven fed with rice husk for drying paddy rice. Ingenio Magno, 11(1), 48-58. Retrieved from
Artículos Vol. 11-1
Author Biographies

Yolman Hernández Torres

Coordinador de proyectos de IMALAT SAS

Waldy Jair Torres Zuñiga

Doctorado en Ingeniería Civil. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Gonzalo Guillermo Moreno Contreras

Ingeniería Mecánica. Universidad de Pamplona.


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