Development of a computer solution for the analysis of data within social security payment system for the colombian financial sector

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Hermann Fuquen González
Juan Carlos Salavarrieta
Fernando Soto


The article shows the development of a computer solution based on a technological platform that allows online consultation of information contained in the system PILA – (Integrated Contribution Payment Form), where the payments to social security of active Colombian workers and pensioners are registered. This information could be use in the banking sector and financial institutions for decision-making. Therefore, the proposed system will provide greater access to financial services for people who have limited access to financial services due to a lack of reliable information. The proposed platform includes control modules defined as web API services that allows the administration of several services divided into modules. The modules work as micro-components of applications, which interact with each other through the Kafka messaging system (Based on a data pipeline architecture) at the integration level, operating with a resource-oriented architecture to consume services between them.


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How to Cite
Fuquen González, H., Salavarrieta, J. C., & Soto, F. (2020). Development of a computer solution for the analysis of data within social security payment system for the colombian financial sector. Ingenio Magno, 11(1), 6-21. Retrieved from
Artículos Vol. 11-1
Author Biographies

Hermann Fuquen González

Grupo de investigación COLINNOVACION.

Juan Carlos Salavarrieta

Grupo de investigación COLINNOVACION.

Fernando Soto

Investigador del proyecto ACH COLOMBIA Bogotá (Colombia).


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