Study of the perception of girardot and honda dents about the magdalena river, Colombia

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William A Lozano Rivas
Juan Carlos Quintero Vélez
Rommel A Bonilla


The research assesses the levels of perception/reflection that the inhabitants of the municipalities of Girardot and Honda have about the Magdalena River. It worked with a sample of volunteer subjects which, through the modified Photo-Project method, formulated descriptor words that were related to the five (5) levels of perception/reflection proposed by Martinez-Gil and Lozano-Rivas & Bolaños. It was found that in both municipalities the level of perception/reflection that best describes the relationship between the river and the population, is the holistic; however, there are cultural and economic aspects that lead to divergent approaches within these same levels. In Girardot, the river is seen as a source of natural services fundamental to the progress of the city through tourism projects that contribute to the well-being of its inhabitants. At Honda, the river has a negative connotation based on the loss of ecosystem services due to environmental degradation processes that affect fishing activity, which is its main source of income and is part of the culture and social interactions of its inhabitants.


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How to Cite
Lozano Rivas, W. A., Quintero Vélez, J. C., & Bonilla, R. A. (2020). Study of the perception of girardot and honda dents about the magdalena river, Colombia. Ingenio Magno, 10(1), 25-38. Retrieved from
Artículos Vol. 10-1
Author Biographies

William A Lozano Rivas

Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Administración Ambiental. Grupo de Investigación en Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, GUIAS. Universidad Piloto de Colombia.

Juan Carlos Quintero Vélez

Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Administración Ambiental. Grupo de Investigación en Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, GUIAS. Universidad Piloto de Colombia.

Rommel A Bonilla

Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Administración Ambiental. Grupo de Investigación en Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, GUIAS. Universidad Piloto de Colombia.


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