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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


Editorial Policy

The Journal INGENIO MAGNO with ISSN 2145-9282 (in print) and 2422-2399 (online), assigned to the Engineering Research Center Alberto Magno "CIIAM" of the University Santo Tomás,  Tunja campus, has the mission of making known all those articles presented for publication which describe the results of works of research, revision or reflection framed within the areas of Engineering.  The editing of the journal occurs semi-annually with a national and international scope.

This document contains the requirements and characteristics which should be taken into account during the preparation and presentation of the articles by the authors who wish to participate in the publication.  Submitted articles must be unpublished, in Spanish or English, must not have been previously submitted for publication in any other form of national or international media, nor simultaneously in any other journal, and must fall within the framework of the Journal's content which includes:

a)      Science and technology research article: A document which presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of a research project, related to the application and development of Engineering in any area.  

b)      Reflection paper: A document which presents the results of a study from a perspective that is analytical, interpretive, or critical of the author, about a specific topic, drawing on original sources.  It includes pedagogical themes and curricula developed in academic programs for studies in Engineering.

c)      Review article: A document that is the result of a study which analyzes, organizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research, about science or technology, with the goal of publishing the advances and development trends in a field related to Engineering.  It is characterized by the presentation of a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.

Article structure

Articles must have the following parts: title, authors, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliographical references.

  • Title. The title must give an accurate and precise idea of the content of the study carried out and must contain the words necessary to describe the topic with precision (maximum 15 words). The title should be submitted in Spanish, English and Portuguese.                       
  • Author(s). The first and last names of all the authors, as well as the institution of each one, city, country and contact email address.  The contact author must be marked by an asterisk (*).  Communication will be carried out via the email address of said author.
  • Abstract. The abstract clearly and precisely states the basic content of the article without having to refer to the rest of the information.  The abstract must contain a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 200 words.  The abstract must be presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  • Key Words. This is a list of between four (4) and eight (8) key terms related to the content of the article.  They should be different from those used in the title of the article and be based on the UNESCO Thesaurus.  It must be presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  • Citation. This refers to the way in which this article should be referenced in other journals and publications.
  • Introduction. This should attract the reader's attention, clearly showing the scope (hypothesis proposal), the prior research, the importance of the study and the definition of possible variables.
  • Materials and Methods. This describes the methods, designs, procedures or techniques that are most relevant to the study of the problem and the obtaining of results (avoid detailed description of standard techniques).
  • Results. This describes the results of the experiment detailed in materials and methods and the findings that support the conclusions.  They will be presented in a logical order in the text, the tables and/or the figures.
  • Analysis of results. In this section, the data is interpreted in relation to the original objectives and hypothesis and to the current state of knowledge regarding the topic under study.  The results are to be described, without interpreting or making value judgments.
  • Conclusions. The results are referred to in relation to the proposed objective.  Connect the conclusions to the objectives of the study, avoiding unjustified statements and conclusions that are not completely supported by the study data.
  • Acknowledgements. This part includes the institutions or people who have collaborated in the production of the article.  The Council Science Editors (CSE) recommends that authors include in the acknowledgements an explicit declaration of the source of financing for the study (Conflicts of Interest and the Peer Review Process. Draft for CSE member review).
  • References. The article should have sufficient valid references taken from research articles, scientific books and certified data bases.  Each bibliographical reference (articles, books, standards, patents, etc.) that is specified throughout the document must appear in this section in strictly alphabetical order in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) standards, sixth edition for references.

The article must contain at least 10 bibliographical references, and the accuracy of the bibliographical references is the responsibility of the author.

  • Terminology. (If applicable). If the text includes terminology, its meaning should be described at the end of the article in a table.  The International System of Units (SI) must be used.
  • Tables: These will be used to clarify important points not accepting double argumentation in the form of tables and figures.  The titles or footnotes which accompany them must perfectly describe the contents of the tables.
  • Figures/Photographs: All types of photographs, graphics or drawings will be considered figures.  They will be assigned an Arabic numeral according to the order in which they appear in the text, being identified by the term Figure.  The footnotes or legends of each one must be indicated and with the corresponding number.  The images must be submitted in jpg or tiff formats.  We recommend capturing them with a high resolution.
  • Abbreviations: Only standard universally accepted abbreviations may be used.  When a term appears in the text, the corresponding abbreviation, in parentheses, must accompany it the first time.  Commercial names or brands will not be used unless necessary.

Submission of articles

The letter of submission must be sent signed by all authors, indicating that the article is unpublished and that the authors have no conflict of interest.  This letter of submission must include name, nationality, country of birth, date of birth, identity number, email address, institutional affiliation, and level of education, academic program, photo, and phone number of the author.  

The authors must send an email to the editorial committee via the Journal's email address including the article submission letter, the table of authors and the article in a word processor format compatible with Word, with a length of 10 pages, numbered at the bottom right, letter size, in Times New Roman size 11 font, with 1.5 line spacing and 3cm margins.

For more information and correspondence contact: Comité Editorial de la Revista Ingenio Magno, Email: ingeniomagno@ustatunja.edu.co, Centro de Investigación de Ingenierías Alberto Magno “CIIAM”, calle 19 No 11- 64 Unidad de Investigaciones, Universidad Santo Tomás, seccional Tunja - Colombia.  PBX: 7440404 Ext 31230.

The article must be submitted in the official format of the Journal Ingenio Magno available on the Journal's website.http://revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/ingeniomagno/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.

The receipt of articles does not imply their publication; they will be subject to evaluation by two pair evaluators, national or international, outside the author's institution.  The acceptance of articles is based on the scientific or technological content, and on the presentation of the material in accordance with the editorial standards of the Journal.  The publication of the articles in the Journal Ingenio Magno is free of cost to the authors.

Editorial Process

The Journal Ingenio Magno will send a confirmation of receipt to the authors of the studies, notifying them whether the documents are complete and in accordance with the policies of the Journal.  The article will undergo a first revision by the Editorial Council, verifying whether the topic and content are adjusted to the coverage of the Journal, originality of the publication and whether it adheres to the standards of the publication.  A second stage will proceed to the submission for external review.  The manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously (double blind) by at least two experts on the topic and/or methodology employed.  The Journal, once it has the external reports, reserves the right to accept / refuse the articles for publication, as well as the right to make changes to style, promising to respect the original content.  The format used by the pair evaluators of the Journal Ingenio Magno can be seen on the Journal's website.  All articles will be submitted to review by various external pairs, who have a period of 30 business days to respond, and once the feedback of at least two evaluators has been received, notification will be sent to the authors regarding the requested corrections in order to continue with the editorial process, said notification will be sent in accordance with the receipt of the evaluations in no more than 60 days.  The authors will receive the evaluation reports, so that they may perform timely corrections.  The authors will return the corrected article within a maximum of 5 calendar days.  The editorial council will confirm that the corrections have been carried out according to the request of the evaluators and will finally notify the author regarding the definitive judgment sent by the Journal.

The judgment of the Journal may be:

  • Publish without modifications: When at least two pair evaluators submit a judgment stating that the publication needs no modifications.
  • Publish with modifications: When one or both pair evaluators have comments or require modifications to the article in order for it to be accepted for publication.
  • Not publish: When both pair evaluators submit a negative judgment of the publication.

Before the printing of the Journal Ingenio Magno, each article will be sent to the contact author for review and approval for printing.