La Reflexion comme outil d'amelioration de la praxis des futurs professeurs : stage de formation professionnelle initiate des enseignants
Cette etude presente les resultats d'une recherche developpee au sein de la License en langues etrangeres a l'universite de Pamplona, dans laquelle le chercheur a analyse !'importance de la reflexivite ainsi que la reflexion dans l'enseignement au cours de l'un des stages du processus de pratique professionnelle. Fournir un processus reflexif peut ameliorer le developpement, les connaissances et les capacites des professeurs car il leur permet de comprendre la complexite qu'est le fait d'apprendre comment enseigner et d'enseigner une langue etrangere. Les resultats indiquent que reflechir a ce qui a ete fait dans les cours et ameliorer les pratiques educatives sont une affaire d' interc~t chez les maitres en formation. Les resultats indiquent en plus que le processus reflexif a eu un impact positif sur les participants car il leur a permis d'etre conscients des implications inherentes a l'enseignement d'une langue etrangere et de voir lebesoin de maitriser les differents aspects faisant partie du processus de l'enseignementd 'une langue.
Comment citer
Rodriguez Ruedas, S. A. (2021). La Reflexion comme outil d’amelioration de la praxis des futurs professeurs : stage de formation professionnelle initiate des enseignants. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 10, 6-19. Consulté à l’adresse
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Aamodt, A., Veloso, M.M. (eds.) ICCBR 1995. LNCS, vol.1010, pp 391-4 0 0 . Springer, heidelberg.
Bouissou, C. & Brau-Antony, S. (2005). Reflexivite et pratiques de formation: Regards critiques. Carrefours de !'education, 20(2), 113-122. doi:I0.3917/cdle.020.0113
Conway, P. F. (2001). Anticipatory reflection while learning to teach: from a temporarilly truncated to a temporarily distributed model of reflection in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education 17:89-106.
Creswell J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 3rd edition. Upper Saddle Pearson Education Evaluating River, NJ:
Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches, 3e ed., Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
Cimer, A. (2007). Effective Teaching in Science: A Review of Literature. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 4, 1: 20-44, Available at http://www.tused. org/internet/tused/defaultl3.asp
Cimer, A., Cimer, S. 0 ., & Vekli, G. S. (2013). How does Reflection Help Teachers to Become Effective Teachers?. International J. Educational Research, 1(4), 133-149
Day, C. (2001). Professional development and reflective practice: purposes, processes and partnerships. The Course named "Understanding and Developing Reflective Practice" readings. School of Education, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
Dewey, J. (1933). How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Educative Process. Boston, MA: D.C. Health and Co publishers.
Dinkelman, T. (2000). An inquiry into the development if critical reflection in secondary student teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education 16: 195-222.
Freese, A. R. (2006). Reframing one's teaching: Discovering our teacher selves through reflection and inquiry, Teaching and Teacher Education 22:100- 119.
Griffiths, V. (2000). The reflective dimension in teacher education. International Journal of Educational Research 33: 539 - 555.
McNamara, C. (1999). General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews, Minnesota. p 132-198.
Odaba§i-Cimer, S. & Cimer, A. (2012). Issues around Incorporating Reflection in Teacher Education in Turkey, Turk Fen Egitim Dergisi 9 (1): 17-30
Taylor-Powell, E, & Renner, M. (2003). Analyzing qualitative data. University ofWisconsin - Extension, Program Development and Evaluation Retrieved from website: 2.pdf
Sanal, E. (2006). Developing reflective teachers: A study on perception andimprovement of reflection in pre-service teacher education, Unpublished, AThesis Submitted to The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle EastTechnical University
Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions. London, Jossey-Bass Publishers
Schon D. A. (1994). Le praticien refexif. A la recherche du savoir cache clans l'agir professionnel. Montreal : Editions Logiques.
Schon D.A. (1996). Le tournant refexif. Montreal : Editions Logiques.
Singh, V. & Dickson, J. (2010). Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Organizations In: David Partington (Eds.), Essential Skills for Management
Research. (pp. 117-135) Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications. Yates, G.C.R. (2005). "How Obvious": Personal reflections on the database ofeducational psychology and effective teaching research. Educational Psychology, 25, 6: 681-700.
Aamodt, A., Veloso, M.M. (eds.) ICCBR 1995. LNCS, vol.1010, pp 391-4 0 0 . Springer, heidelberg.
Bouissou, C. & Brau-Antony, S. (2005). Reflexivite et pratiques de formation: Regards critiques. Carrefours de !'education, 20(2), 113-122. doi:I0.3917/cdle.020.0113
Conway, P. F. (2001). Anticipatory reflection while learning to teach: from a temporarilly truncated to a temporarily distributed model of reflection in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education 17:89-106.
Creswell J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 3rd edition. Upper Saddle Pearson Education Evaluating River, NJ:
Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches, 3e ed., Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
Cimer, A. (2007). Effective Teaching in Science: A Review of Literature. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 4, 1: 20-44, Available at http://www.tused. org/internet/tused/defaultl3.asp
Cimer, A., Cimer, S. 0 ., & Vekli, G. S. (2013). How does Reflection Help Teachers to Become Effective Teachers?. International J. Educational Research, 1(4), 133-149
Day, C. (2001). Professional development and reflective practice: purposes, processes and partnerships. The Course named "Understanding and Developing Reflective Practice" readings. School of Education, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
Dewey, J. (1933). How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Educative Process. Boston, MA: D.C. Health and Co publishers.
Dinkelman, T. (2000). An inquiry into the development if critical reflection in secondary student teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education 16: 195-222.
Freese, A. R. (2006). Reframing one's teaching: Discovering our teacher selves through reflection and inquiry, Teaching and Teacher Education 22:100- 119.
Griffiths, V. (2000). The reflective dimension in teacher education. International Journal of Educational Research 33: 539 - 555.
McNamara, C. (1999). General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews, Minnesota. p 132-198.
Odaba§i-Cimer, S. & Cimer, A. (2012). Issues around Incorporating Reflection in Teacher Education in Turkey, Turk Fen Egitim Dergisi 9 (1): 17-30
Taylor-Powell, E, & Renner, M. (2003). Analyzing qualitative data. University ofWisconsin - Extension, Program Development and Evaluation Retrieved from website: 2.pdf
Sanal, E. (2006). Developing reflective teachers: A study on perception andimprovement of reflection in pre-service teacher education, Unpublished, AThesis Submitted to The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle EastTechnical University
Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions. London, Jossey-Bass Publishers
Schon D. A. (1994). Le praticien refexif. A la recherche du savoir cache clans l'agir professionnel. Montreal : Editions Logiques.
Schon D.A. (1996). Le tournant refexif. Montreal : Editions Logiques.
Singh, V. & Dickson, J. (2010). Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Organizations In: David Partington (Eds.), Essential Skills for Management
Research. (pp. 117-135) Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications. Yates, G.C.R. (2005). "How Obvious": Personal reflections on the database ofeducational psychology and effective teaching research. Educational Psychology, 25, 6: 681-700.