La Reflexion comme outil d'amelioration de la praxis des futurs professeurs : stage de formation professionnelle initiate des enseignants

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Sergio Andres Rodriguez Ruedas


This paper presents the results of a study undertaken at the foreign language program from the University of Pamplona in which the researcher analyzed the importance of reflection and reflecting teaching during one of the phases of the practicum process. Providing a reflecting process can improve teachers' development, knowledge and skills since it allows them to understand the complexity process of learning how to teach and teaching a foreign language.
The findings suggest that reflecting upon what was done in the courses and ameliorating teaching practices are a major concern among student teachers. The findings also indicate that the reflecting process had a positive impact on student teachers since it permitted them to be conscious of implications of teaching a foreign language, as well as the need to master affective and professional skills related to the foreign language teaching and learning process.

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How to Cite
Rodriguez Ruedas, S. A. (2021). La Reflexion comme outil d’amelioration de la praxis des futurs professeurs : stage de formation professionnelle initiate des enseignants. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 10, 6-19. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Sergio Andres Rodriguez Ruedas

He is a Ph. d. student from Universite Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Dennis, holds a master's degree in linguistics and literature from Sorbonne University and a bachelor's degree in foreign languages English and French from Universidad de Pamplona. He belongs to the research groups GRILEX and CIEL from the Universidad de Pamplona. 


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