Understanding the English language through a creative writing workshop: Adjectives and Adverbs essentials for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners

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Luz Mary Mora Díaz
Yeimmy Gómez Orjuela


This report on a pedagogical experience aims to summarize the experience of a group freshmen from a private college enrolled in an elementary course of English as a foreign language -EFL and the development of the literacy competence through language understanding in the use of crucial grammatical categories as key parts in the construction of narrative tools and grammatical structures to approach the topic from a creative writing workshop. To address the pedagogical part a writing workshop was used with the principles of autonomy through the virtual classroom of the course, and at the level of the research record and follow-up, an adaptation of social cartography was developed to reflect on the process of creation of the narrative and its possible challenges when using the foreign language. Among the results obtained was a sample of 21 creative texts that were written in spaces of autonomous workshops.

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How to Cite
Mora Díaz, L. M., & Gómez Orjuela, Y. (2022). Understanding the English language through a creative writing workshop: Adjectives and Adverbs essentials for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 11, 52-73. Retrieved from http://revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/shimmering/article/view/2466
Author Biographies

Luz Mary Mora Díaz, Freelance

She holds a MA in Literature and European Culture, L’Université de Haute-Alsace, France. She has worked as Teacher of English in High School and Universities, as Mentor Teacher for the foreign Language District Plan with the Local Education Authority of Bogotá and as director of several languages departments and divisions. Her interest includes curriculum design, research in literature and implementation of the 21st Century Skills in the classrooms.

Yeimmy Gómez Orjuela, Freelance

She is a candidate for the MA in Education Technology at Universidad San Martin de Porres. Experienced English teacher at higher education levels. Her interests feature virtual education environments and tools for lifelong education. Research experience in digital skills for EFL learning.


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