Pre-schoolers bilingual literacy adopting Montessori’s principles in Remote English lessons

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Andrea Bernal
Yury Tatiana Monsalve Gaviria


During the lockdown due to COVID-19, the traditional educational processeshave moved to a remote environment, generating new challenges, and realities. Thisqualitative documentary research between a student and a professor who belongto students’ a research seedbed called RELATE of the bachelor in English as aForeign Language of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios seeks to examinethe implementation of Maria Montessori’s principles in children’s bilingual literacybefore and during confinement caused by the pandemic. The articles reviewed werereleased in 2020 and 2021 in the data basis ProQuest and the peer-reviewed journalsChildhood development journal, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, and Childhooddevelopment. The analysis was done on 50 articles to determine the developmentof children`s bilingual literacy in remote learning environments and to what extentMontessori’s principles could be identified. Findings show that the principles such as freedom and a child-friendly creative and resourceful environment of Maria Montessori’s theory are applied in some of the articles and some teaching practices actually foster children`s bilingual literacy before and during COVID 19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Bernal, A., & Monsalve Gaviria, Y. T. (2022). Pre-schoolers bilingual literacy adopting Montessori’s principles in Remote English lessons. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 11, 6-30. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Andrea Bernal, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Teacher at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, holds a bachelor in Education with emphasis on Spanish andEnglish, a master’s in education, and is undertaking a Ph.D. on education. She has worked on educational research for 5years and belongs to the research group Cibeles undefined.

Yury Tatiana Monsalve Gaviria, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bachelor student in a foreign language training from the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. She is a technicianby Competence in Children Pedagogy from Discenter’s Institute. She is interested in the research seedbed called RELATEwhich belong to the B.A program. Her main topics of interest are those related to early childhood English education,including the most vulnerable populations.


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