Emergencies in the construction of identity of virtual teachers in Colombia

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Yannyd Morales Dussan


This reflective article is composed of an introduction that is based on arguing the problems of the investigation and the possible encounters of reflection. Followed by a method that is aligned by the intrigues and postures of the author. After that, this article establishes some concepts that give importance to the topic concerning about. Finally, a conclusion gives the reader the possibility of drawing their own questions and reflections on the identity construction of the virtual teacher in Colombia. The reader will recognize the importance that lies in interpreting and going deeper the identities of virtual teachers in Colombia, the characteristics that permeate the identity construction of these subjects, their wishes, struggles and / or feelings when they are performing their work as virtual teachers of Higher Education in Colombia.

Article Details

How to Cite
Morales Dussan, Y. (2021). Emergencies in the construction of identity of virtual teachers in Colombia. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 10, 141-153. Retrieved from http://revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/shimmering/article/view/2109
Author Biography

Yannyd Morales Dussan

Licenciada en inglés, especialista en Educación Superior a Distancia y estudiante de Maestría en Educación en Tecnología de la Universidad Distrital FJDC. Ha enseñado inglés por más de 14 años en Institutos y Universidades tanto de manera presencial como docente virtual. Sus áreas de interés investigativa son: Identidad Docente, Métodos de Enseñanza, Didáctica, Plataformas y Enseñanza Virtual. 


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