The analysis of the editorial process in an information and media literacy platform that promotes intercultural awareness: postscript magazine

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Jefferson Martinez-Santa


This article explores the relations of intercultural factors that are inherent and rarely detached to the process of learning a second language. The study was carried out in the developmental frame of an extracurricular project of a Colombian higher education program in bilingualism. The notions of interculturality presented here are drawn from an editorial team of a magazine called the PostScript and these serve as a diagnosis that grounds the first phase of a research process about the development of intercultural awareness of pre-service English teachers. Using interviews, reflection logs, and the stimulated recall method, it was found that the editors of the magazine have an incipient awareness and intercultural competence that allowed them to build a cultural identity projected in the products of the magazine. Furthermore, it was found that PostScript operates as an information and media literacy platform that promotes intercultural awareness in the process of bilingual education.

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How to Cite
Murcia, D., & Martinez-Santa, J. (2019). The analysis of the editorial process in an information and media literacy platform that promotes intercultural awareness: postscript magazine. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 8, 115-138. Retrieved from
Author Biographies


B.A. in ELT and M.A. in Linguistics from Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Director and researcher at Licenciatura en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en inglés. Member of research group Estudios del Lenguaje y la Eduación and Poliglosia - Grupo de investigación en lingüística aplicada. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Jefferson Martinez-Santa

Student of Licenciatura en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en inglés from Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira and editor of the PostScript Magazine. Member of research group Estudios Políticos y Jurídicos. His areas of academic interest are the didactics of reading and writing, education for peace, and Intercultural Bilingual Education in ethnic groups. He is currently part of the project La paz se toma la palabra in the cultural management of Banco de la República. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.


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