Focus and Scope

SHIMMERING WORDS: Pedagogy and Research E-Journal is an annual serial publication of the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish and Foreign languages English-French of the University of Santo Tomás Tunja section, whose objective is the dissemination of topics related to pedagogy such as teaching, pedagogy education, the processes of teaching and learning, the didactic and evaluative process and issues which articulate different areas of knowledge.

Open access Policy

This magazine provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to further global knowledge exchange.

The dissemination and reproduction of titles, abstracts and total content is permitted for academic, scientific, cultural and non-profit purposes, provided that the respective source is cited. This work cannot be used for commercial purposes.

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From the point of view of publishers and / or Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee will be in charge of maintaining a fluid communication with the authors and evaluators, in such a way that there is a responsible work between the reception and review of articles, as well as handling a transparent, objective and confidentiality processes in editorial management in order to guarantee the academic quality of the journal. Thus, the teamwork of the different committees of the journal will assign suitable evaluators according to the theme of the article.

The editors are responsible for ensuring compliance with the terms; thus, since the article is received, there is a maximum period of 60 days for the author to know the status of his/her article, with any of the following qualifications: “accepted, accepted with corrections or rejected”.

The acceptance of the article do not necessarily obligate the journal to include it in the number to which it applies; if necessary, if the number of articles for this issue has been exceeded, the journal reserves the right to publish the article in the next number.

The Editorial Committee has the obligation to announce conflicts of interest, if necessary, any of the members must declare themselves to be prevented in writing, in order to carry out a transparent and objective process.
It is the obligation of the Editorial Committee to inform the authors of the number in which their article will be published, before being accepted.

Authors are allowed to appeal the decisions of the editorial committee.

It is the job of the Editorial Committee to keep the authors informed about the status of their articles from the moment they receive their articles until they make decisions.

The Editorial Committee is committed to carry out fully transparent editing and publishing processes and with due respect for the work of the authors.

The Editorial Committee must be available to authors and evaluators in order to clarify doubts during the selection, evaluation, review, layout and publication process.

It is the responsibility of the Editorial Committee to accept or reject articles only based on the results of the evaluation of the anonymous readers assigned as peer reviewers; if the verdicts do not coincide (one accepts the article with corrections and the other totally rejects it), it is the obligation of the Committee to analyze the situation and make a final decision; which could be denying the publication of the article or looking for a third evaluator.

From the authors’ view point.

When the author submits his/her article to the SHIMMERING WORDS: Pedagogy & Research E-Journal, he/she agrees not to send his/her document to another magazine simultaneously.
The articles must be totally original, unpublished, not having been published in its entirety, a part, or with minor modifications with respect to an already published document, which would concur in plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
It is the responsibility of the author, to inform the Editorial Committee if there is a conflict of interest, at the time of submitting his/her article, with any of the evaluators, or if he/she considers that this person (s) is not suitable to evaluate his/her paper.

Similarly, the author (s) undertakes to have his/her article reports true facts, for instances reports or results of research processes, there must be coherence between theory, methods and results.
Likewise, when third parties are involved in the development of investigations, there must be a consent from them, this implies that they are informed about the publication of their images, spoken or written versions; their names must remain anonymous just as if there are institutions involved.

Regarding background, theoretical or conceptual frameworks, throughout the articles, the authors must address the texts with responsibility, make the corresponding citation, and use appropriate theories that support the article, use current theoretical supports as required and review different pedagogical and methodological approaches.
Process of Evaluation
Reception When the article is received by the editors of the magazine, the editorial committee informs the authors of the evaluation process; relatedly, there will be no cost for the evaluation, design or publication of the articles for the author.
Acceptance First, the received article is reviewed by the editorial committee, which will verify that it meets the magazines requirements; if the article meets the requirements of the first stage, the Committee will accept and initiate the evaluation process conducted by two expert peers from the field of the article.
Evaluation by Peers Second, the article is submitted for evaluation by two experts in the field of study, under the “double blind” criteria, which means that both the author and the reader do not know the identity of the other in order to guarantee and objective criteria during the process. The evaluators take into account the focus of the magazine, the form and background of the article, the originality and relevance, and will issue specific recommendations in accordance with their professional judgments.
The evaluators will issue specific recommendations in accordance with their professional judgments.
The evaluators will issue an evaluation based on the following concepts:
Publishable, the article will go immediately to the editing process.
Publishable with modifications, according to observations made during the evaluation process. In this case the author has 15 days to make the necessary corrections and resubmit it.
Not publishable, in this case, they will provide the author with the evaluation and reasons that the article was not accepted. The author can appeal the decision of the judges through a letter in which, he/she will explain their points; after which, the editorial committee will meet, discuss the points and will make a decision as to whether or not they can appoint a third evaluator or to reject the appeal.
Approval Once the other has presented the corrected article and the judges have given their verdict of approval, the editorial committee will verify the necessary corrections were made; furthermore, that the article will be reviewed for style, layout and for online publication to the University’s magazine page. During the style correction, the author will be told the proposed corrections and approve them prior to publication.

General Criteria for the Articles

Research Articles

These articles are the result of a finished investigation, they contain relevant aspects such as: abstract, key words (5), introduction, problem being studied, justification, objectives, questions of the study or hypothesis, theoretical framework, methodology, development, results, bibliography and other aspects that are considered important to the field of study.

Reflection Articles
These articles contain an analysis of specific topics related with teaching and learning practices in diverse areas of knowledge, pedagogic reflection, literary analysis, studies about translation, analysis of pedagogic theories and problems in the field of education.

Articles on Classroom Research
These articles relate successful pedagogic experiences in the educational environment, expose problems, student and professor’s perceptions about topics
addressed in the classroom, therefore, students and professors together, can write this type of article.

From the peer evaluators’ view point

Those who act as evaluating peers are people who voluntarily participate in this role, being qualified from an intellectual and / or theoretical-methodological point of view to issue an evaluative judgment regarding the works through which the authors apply for publication to the Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal.

The peer review is committed to inform the editorial committee of the magazine if they are facing a conflict of interests or disability when evaluating an article, as well as respecting the confidentiality of information related to the editorial process.

Thus, the reviewer strictly adheres to the policies of the journal's evaluation process, always seeking to make an honest and constructive criticism and always maintaining discretion with the content of the documents evaluated.

The double-blind pattern of the Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal magazine will be applied, thereby promoting respect for the author and the journal, thus consolidating a quality management culture.
Once the article is accepted for the respective review and evaluation process, it is assumed that it will be under the code of ethics of the Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal.

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Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 License.