The risk of horizontal property becomes a community of goods or a factual society

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Daniel Felipe Ospina Sánchez


This paper, arises as a result of one of the chapters of the master's thesis in private law, held at the University Santo Tomas in the city of Tunja, where I managed to conclude that commercial companies are legally similar to horizontal properties, to be able to apply a solution of this last regime of property to the regime of the corporations. In this chapter it is indicated that the solutions of one and another social regime are applicable to them, therefore they also succumb to the same fallacies of legal order, when some of their elements of existence, effectiveness and opposability are not present, thus the societies are deformed legally in de facto companies when any of these elements disappears or is not renewed or not remedied, converting the responsibility of limited order to an unlimited and joint liability, a legal reality that can be preached within horizontal properties with the same catastrophic effects for co-owners-partners, having the only difference in that in these occurs with the phenomenon called communities of goods and not de facto society.
What generates among the co-owner’s responsibilities, no longer up to the amount of their contributions -including coefficients of co-ownership- but already in a solidary and unlimited manner. The research methodology used is the comparative documentary, taking as a macro conceptual framework the Colombian commercial code and Law 675 of 2001; The objective found was to demonstrate the risk and responsibility, which have the management councils of the P.h. and the legal representative or administrator, when by carelessness or negligence they do not comply with the annual obligations of registration and holding of assemblies.

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Articles 35
Author Biography

Daniel Felipe Ospina Sánchez

Abogado egresado de la Universidad Santo tomas de Bucaramanga, Magister en Derecho Privado de la San Tomas de Tunja, Especialista en Derecho Comercial de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, socio de la firma de abogados Ospina & Forero S.A.S, consultor y asesor en Propiedad Horizontal, Derecho Civil y Derecho de las Sociedades, docente universitario y coordinador consultorio jurídico UPTC Aguazul, Casanare.


Capítulo VI. similitudes y diferencias entre la sociedad anónima y la propiedad horizontal, pág. 77 y ss

Ospina, D. Felipe. “Análisis a la aplicación de la solución dada por el régimen de la propiedad horizontal al conflicto de agencia entre accionistas mayoritarios y accionistas minoritarios en la sociedad anónima”. Tesis de Maestría en derecho privado USTA – Tunja. 2018.

González Benjumea, Óscar H. El administrador de hecho en el derecho societario colombiano. Ed. U. Autónoma Latinoamericana – UNAULA, 2018.

Superintendencia de sociedades. Concepto 12306/98, mar. 25

Artículo 86 de la ley 675 de 2.001. RÉGIMEN DE TRANSICIÓN. Leyes 182 de 1948, 16 de 1985 y 428 de 1998

Sentencia C-488-02 de 26 de junio de 2002, Magistrado Ponente Dr. Álvaro Tafur Galvis

Art. 1568, inc. 2º Código Civil colombiano

Art.50, ley 672 de 2.001

Superintendencia de sociedades. Concepto 220-114168. Asunto: Responsabilidad solidaria de los socios en una sociedad de hecho.

Art. 501 C. de Co. y 1573 del C.C