Revista científica con contenido digital en línea a partir del año 2019.

ISSN-E: 0124-2067 (En línea)

ISSN: 0124-2067 (Impreso)

Revista universitaria, inspirada por Domicio Ulpiano, enfocada en los principios fundamentales como vivir honestamente, no hacer daño a otro y dar a cada uno lo suyo.

Vol. 19 No. 41 (2022): REVISTA PRINCIPIA IURIS

Principia Iuris is the institutional journal promoted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Santo Tomas, Sectional Tunja, and its faculty, on a semi-annual basis, which publishes unpublished articles as a final or partial result of research in the Socio-legal field; thus, as reflections and memories in the areas of social, historical, cultural and political knowledge, with the purpose of making them visible to the national and international community, in an effort to socialize the results in the research of the academic community and with the expectation of contributing to the development of social well-being. In development of the substantive functions of the University, the journal Principia Iuris addresses the scientific - legal community as support for its academic and training developments, being supply for the work of researchers, researchers and researchers. space for the presentation of their results and integration between academia and social projection.

Published: 2023-07-25

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