The construction of the professional competencies of the teaching staff of the Pamplona University

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Daniela Garcia Vasquez
Paula Suarez Saaveara
Diana Carolina Rozo Becerra


The training program facilitates student teachers to acquire the basic knowledge and the professional skills required for foreign languages teaching in real educational environments. The aim of this case study was to explore the influence of the Training Program among pre-ser vice teachers' professional development. Data was collected through qualitative and quantitative instruments such as interviews, non-par ticipatory observations, questionnaires, pre-ser vice teachers' journals throughout four consecutive teaching scenarios. Based on a typological analysis, this study reveals the construction of the know -how, the know-how-to-be and the student teachers' perceptions from the different stages of the Training Program. 

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How to Cite
Garcia Vasquez , D., Suarez Saaveara, P., & Rozo Becerra, D. C. (2021). The construction of the professional competencies of the teaching staff of the Pamplona University. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 10, 29-57. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Daniela Garcia Vasquez

Est nee en Colombie, elle a exerce en tant que professeur de langue clans l'ecole Chester Palmer en Colombie. Elle s'interesse sur !'educa­ tion et l'enseignement d'anglais et de frarn;:ais.

Paula Suarez Saaveara

Est colombienne. Elle est professeur d'anglais dans l'ecole prive Chester Pal Elle aime !es langues, la linguistique et !'influence de la musique el !'art cinematographique clans l'apprentissage de langues etrangeres.

Diana Carolina Rozo Becerra

A exerce en tant que professeur d'anglais dans differents ecoles et institutes de langue. Elle s'interesse sur la recherche, les strategies neu­ rologiques pour l'apprentissage et l'enseignement des langues 


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