The chronicle as a didactic means for the FLE

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Carlos Mario Estevez Jerez


It is noted that different means are used to learning a language, but we always talk about languages, when actually there are talking of the code, because the acquisition of the language is for the purpose of getting literate, that is, that the student must interpret and produce the language that he or she is learning in order not to be functionally illiterate;  the  purpose of teaching a language it's how to handle it and use it by a creative and analytical way. There is evidence that learning a language only focuses on the executive level and not on the epistemic. The chronicle as a didactic means of learning FLE is essential in language learning, because it breaks up a purely structuralist learning and focuses on the creative, that is, the acquisition of language through chronicle has an epistemic end, because of dominates the written language and produces a text of narrative genre. Through the didactics of the chronicle the FLE student learns to use the language in a useful way, because the purpose of the chronicle is to divulge the context in which the FLE student is immersed to native speakers of this language.
It is evident that based on  the chronicle as a means of teaching FLE the  student is acquiring significant  learning, because he or she is not only learning the grammar of French, since what would be the point of a merely structuralist apprenticeship, that is, the student through the chronicle ceases to be a functional illiterate to become an epistemic subject, since it is reproducing a text and interpreting its context so that native speakers can learn about the context in which it takes place through his French­ language chronicle.

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How to Cite
Estevez Jerez, C. M. (2021). The chronicle as a didactic means for the FLE. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 10, 20-28. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Carlos Mario Estevez Jerez

Licenciado en Espanol y Literatura, curs6 estudios de Licenciatura en Espanol y Literatura, en la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Actualmente, ejerce como docente en el colegio Mario Moreno Delgado perteneciente al movimiento Fe y Ale- gria.


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