An approach to motivation in the classroom. systematization of experiences in physics class

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Edwin Javier Rueda Pineda


Motivating in the classroom. Systematization of Experiences in the Physics Class is a research project that arises from a generality detected throughout the teaching experience of the author of the text. In classrooms with 40 students, on average each year there are between 1 and 2 outstanding students (2.5% and 5%), with a focus on learning that are characterized by their autonomy and persistence, their goal is to learn and know what they learned something new. There are students with good performance, who, despite fulfilling their academic commitments, do not learn, tend to be oriented towards positive grades.
The objective of the research was the analysis of the elements that influenced the learning of physical sciences in eleventh grade of the Salesiano School of Duitama through a Systematization of Experiences, 2015. The study was applied with the participation of a team of students with different types of academic performance, with which categories were interpreted and constructed from evidence collected in physics classes, and which was finally shared with the educational community. The information that is implicit in the practices is knowledge about them; knowledge that in their essence have the key to its improvement and its evolution. For the meeting of these evidences, an axis of systematization was created, the motivation, from which a guiding thread was established to guide the research, the sources of information were direct, within the classroom and collected by students who were previously oriented in the methodology. The results were shared with the educational community through an information booklet whose purpose was the reflection and improvement of pedagogical strategies within the institution.

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How to Cite
Rueda Pineda, E. J. (2020). An approach to motivation in the classroom. systematization of experiences in physics class. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 9, 176-199. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Edwin Javier Rueda Pineda

Diseñador Industrial, UPTC. Investigaciones sobre Ergonomía y Factores Humanos. Investigación sobre factores de riesgo en el Instituto Roosevelt de Bogotá. Investigación sobre riesgos operativos del sector alfarero de la ciudad de Sogamoso. Grupo de investigación Taller 11, Diseño Industrial. Actualmente docente de Matemáticas y Física en el Gimnasio Campestre los Laureles, Cajicá Cundinamarca.


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