Modern inhabitants of the world

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Learning different languages is a new trend around the world due to an increase in human mobility. This trend has different reasons; far example, social problems and wars caused people to move from one country to another m search far opportunities to work or just escape violence. Sorne others move due to a lack of faod in their own countries. Sorne migration is caused by violence, economic or social problems which do not allow people work the land and produce agricultura products far their daily consumption. Likewise, there is another kind of migration which is produced by those who want to study or work abroad; they are usually young people who are looking far opportunities to improve their living conditions; anyhow, it is common they aff ect the context positively or negatively; it depends on their personal interests, their capacity to work, among others; besides, the most important is that they can be integrated to the development of the of the host country.
Therefare, there are many reasons far people to their home countries, but whatever the reasons far their mobility, it has made them live a multiculturalism moment. They interchange different customs from their culture with the culture of their host count:ry. That includes languages, traditions, faod, and religion, among others. One of the most urgent needs when people arrive to a new place is to learn the language. Far this rea.son, learning a new language has become a priority in people's lives, especially when they are in with a diff erent linguistic code. Thus, language is very important beca.use it allows them to work, study or socialize; all of which are necessary to start a new lif e abroad. 
It is unavoidable that people move from one place to another. This is part of the human experience which has occurred throughout human history, but what role do language teachers play in this? Far exan1ple, in our context, we English as a fareign language (EFL). It mea.ns that we learn the language in a non-English native context. Thus, the learning of this language is slow and, in many cases, depends on the students learning motivation. Whatever the conditions are, the language teachers can make their students aware of the advantages they would if they spoke another language. In this way, globalization has farced students and people in general to develop diff erent communication skills, to be in with the whole world. N owadays, young learners do not boundaries; they are in a constant communication worldwide. Hence, proficiency in another language makes them skilled to live and interacting in diff erent contexts which is the tendency these days.

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How to Cite
Anas Rodríguez, G. L. (2019). Modern inhabitants of the world. Shimmering Words: Research and Pedagogy E-Journal, 8, 3. Retrieved from
Author Biography


Teacher and researcher Editor

