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Editor Revista Principia Iuris
Omar Alfonso Guerrero Bernal
María Alexandra Villegas Ibáñez


Protecting human rights and dignity as an essential core requires a more significant commitment from the State and society in general. It is not enough to recognize them, butit is a priority to generate effective protection rules and mechanisms that allow them to beexercised responsibly and obtain immediate protection when infringed. However, despite being recognized as a human and fundamental right in the Colombian legal system, the authorities on different levels, the public force, and civil society have often ignored the rightto peaceful social protest. In addition, peaceful protesters are subject to stigmatization since those who exercise it are considered without proof as guerrillas, mamertos, vandals, and other pejorative adjectives, being victims of physical, psychological, and even sexual violence. Therefore, it is essential to examine this situation from a legal, social, and ethicalperspective with different sectors such as the Academy, civil society, legal operators, the Congress of the Republic, the National Government, the Departments, and Municipalities, among others, to determine which are the procedures that regulate peaceful social protestin Colombia in order to nurture the legal system, strengthen the process and materialize justice.We intend to provide a legal analysis as input for debate and construction. The investigationconclusions will be shared in the light of social protests, human rights, and the process. Wewill first define: What we understand by human rights and social protest. In second place, we will analyze the procedures established in the Colombian legal system that regulates peaceful social protest. Additionally, we will expose the role of the Department of Boyacá in the framework of peaceful social protests and the protocols used. Finally, a series of contributions.

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Author Biographies

Editor Revista Principia Iuris

Abogado especialista en derecho administrativo, maestría en derecho administrativo, Docente Universitario, Cvlac:, ORCID:, Secretario de contratación, Gobernación de Boyacá, teléfono: 3112786466, correo electrónico: , director semillero de investigación gobernación de Boyacá.

Omar Alfonso Guerrero Bernal

Abogado, candidato a especialista en estudios políticos, Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina, teléfono: 3203284156- 11 5319-3451, correo electrónico:, ponente semillero de investigación gobernación de Boyacá.

María Alexandra Villegas Ibáñez

Abogada Especialista en Derecho Comercial, Docente Universitaria, Abogada de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Asesoría y Defensa jurídica del Departamento de Boyacá. Teléfono 3006094685, correo electrónico, directora semillero de investigación gobernación de Boyacá


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