Tiresias as an auxiliary of justice in ancient Greece

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Gustavo Adolfo Pozas Márquez


Usually when addressing the issue of administration of justice there is a figure who becomes responsible for all activity. Nowadays, society only recognizes justice in the figure of the judge, however it must be understood that it is not the only one that makes up this activity, but in order to achieve its function it requires a whole scaffolding of people, and resources, hence there is an overvaluation, by attributing to one person an activity that belongs to a group of people. However, in the common person only it recognized who is at the forefront of such efforts.
In ancient Greece in the same way, it is understood that justice was carried out through the gods, but even the deities required the help of certain people, it is the case of Tiresias who through his interaction between gods and humans becomes an auxiliary of divine justice performing the activities that gods or humans asked him for.

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Articles 35
Author Biography

Gustavo Adolfo Pozas Márquez

Doctor en Derecho y globalización por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM, México); Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la UAEM, México. Sus líneas de investigación jurídica son: Derechos Humanos, Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Procesal Constitucional, y Filosofía del Derecho.


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