Limitation of the right to free development of the personality in the framework of the educational system from the colombian constitutional court's jurisprudential development

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Ángela Paola Contreras Álvarez


The document that is presented below, shows the results of the research limitation of the right to the free development of personality within the framework of the Colombian educational system, from a jurisprudential perspective of the Constitutional Court, developed within the framework of the research group "PRIMO LEVY "of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, which has as its fundamental purpose to describe the constitutional parameters outlined by the Constitutional Court for the limitation of the right to the free development of the personality within the educational system, through the development of qualitative research , which uses the descriptive method as a research method, based on the use of the methodology of Professor Diego López Medina onjurisprudential lines.

Article Details

Articulos PI Vol. 32
Author Biography

Ángela Paola Contreras Álvarez

Abogada Universidad de Santo Tomas Tunja; Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales UPTC; Especialistaen Derecho Constitucional Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Maestranda en derechos humanosUPTC.


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