
Main Article Content

Sergio López


A moment of political situation and generalized economic instability where the law cannot separate itself from the debate in favor of the construction and maintenance of institutions; and, dizzying instability in international relations within the framework of an unstable future associated with climate change generates a favorable context for debate, the development of new ideas and scientific and technological proposals. The reason for being the Principia Iuris Magazine is to make the legal community aware of these new trends and approaches in law that on this occasion are gathered in its number 42 (2023-I)with the purpose of contributing to the continuous evolution of the legal sciences while being part of this contemporary context in which academia must always remain. The Principia Iuris Magazine is indexed in Latindex, Publindex and Google Scholar and remains in permanent call always in favor of keeping the light of the eternal search for knowledge and truth on. Thanking the columnists, the editorial team and you, respected reader, 8 articles remain in your hands that contribute to the development of legal sciences; all works that reflect serious and dynamic research into the law.

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