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Editor Revista Principia Iuris


The legal-social institution of the family, the qualities and most relevant aspects around the consecration from the Constitution of 1991 is presented as a decalogue of rights and duties; In this sense, the need to analyze basic concepts for the discernment of the general objectives is based, which are to determine for the reader, key definitions around marriage, the de facto marital union and the solemn union as forms of conformation of a family.
Hand in hand with a brief jurisprudential analysis around the current policies against same-sex unions, each of the legal, personal and patrimonial effects of marriage were determined and enunciated, in a comparison against what until now It has been determined and applied for solemn unions by notaries and the Superintendence of Notaries and Registry.
Finally, this research work constitutes a qualitative response to an academic concern that allows elucidating a possible future legal problem based on determining its own legal regime for unions between same-sex couples and that to date has not been fully established to date. through the normative sources that operate in Colombia for that case.

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Author Biography

Editor Revista Principia Iuris

Universidad Libre de Colombia seccional Socorro, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Campus Universitario Majavita, Socorro – Santander. Correo electrónico:


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