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Editor Revista Principia Iuris


Medical disabilities in Colombia are characterized by being those through which certain guarantees stipulated in the national regulations, specifically in the Political Constitution and in the labor and social security legislation are given concrete expression, given that who are workers, they must have certain minimums which act as the limits of protection in terms of subordination of their quality, bearing in mind that in any case, whoever is the object of some suffering as far as health is concerned, maintains the non-potestativa faculty of being covered by a certain term individualized by the health professionals, in order to help with their recovery; within which, several inconsistencies are denoted that result in problems of desnaturing the very object of medical disabilities, from the economic and fallacy perspective, both on the part of the one who grants them and on the part of who is the object of application of such; that is why this article focuses on the examination and identification of the already mentioned reality, seeking to erect the possibility of regulating and/or restricting practices contrary to what is in law, without going to affect in any way their granting given the event in which it becomes appropriate and really necessary.

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Author Biography

Editor Revista Principia Iuris

Abogada egresada de la Universidad Santo Tomás, seccional Tunja. Correo electrónico : Karen.lopezg@ –


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