The violation of human rights during pandemics and quarantine in Colombia

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Luis Heliodoro Jaime González


At the begining of 2020 and until the first of september, Colombia as the rest of the world has had to deal with many problems due to pandemic that surprised humanity originated in China. Colombia faced many problems of social and economic order, the authorities dictated regulations that forced the population to remain locked up in quarantine to avoid contagion. At that point, many fundamental human rights were violated by the autorities of some municipalities and departaments and by the population that did not accept or respect biosafety protocols. The authorities exceeded their power, there were abuses on both sides which generated more complicated problems related to security and coexistence between the state, the authorities and the population.

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Artículos 37
Author Biography

Luis Heliodoro Jaime González

Magister en Educación y docencia Universitaria, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá, especialista en Administración publica, ESAP, Lic. Psicología educativa y administración Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC, Ex becario del caentro Elias de Roma Italia, Planificación de etudios y desarrollo curricular centro A. OFRI, Jerusalén Israel. Docente universitario, coinvestigador UPTC Tunja, "grupo Salud y Educación Rural". Catedrático de la ESAP y la U. Antonio Nariño de Tunja.


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