Biolaw, ‘double use dilemma’ and freedom of scientific research

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Ilaria Anna Colussi


This article aims to legally explore the dual-use dilemma, as referred to two areas: one, which is more 'traditional:is the field of nuclear science and technology, and the other one, which is a new emerging area, is synthetic biology. One important
conclusion will be that the freedom of scientific research, which is central in this context, has to be protected, but at the same time the other rights and freedoms atstake cannot be 'suppressed' or 'sacrificed'.

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Artículos 36
Author Biography

Ilaria Anna Colussi

Abogada, Doctora en Derecho Comparado y Europeo, Universidad de Tren to, Italia, e Investigadora Postdoctoral en Derecho Europeo, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Criminología, Universidad de Lieja, Bélgica. Ha desarrollado investigación postdoctoral en el Uehiro Centre for Practica! Ethics, Univrsity of Oxford, Inglaterra. Entre sus más recientes publicaciones se cuentan el libro Synthetic biology between cha/lenges and risks. A Legal Perspective, y los capítulos de libros Diritto e genetica delle popolazioni (transl.:Population Genetics and the Law), in S.Rodota, P.Zatti(eds.), Trattato di Biodiritto: il Governo del Corpo (transl.: Treaty of Biolaw: the Governance of the Body), vol.II, Giuffré, 2011, y Dati genetici e forze di polizia: intersezioni europee (transl.:Genetic data and police forces: European intersections), in L.S. Rossi (eds.), La protezione dei diritti fondamentali: Carta di Nizza e standards internazionali ( transl.:The protection of fundamental rights: the European Charter of Nice and international standards). Miembro fundador de la Intertnational Network of Biolaw ( la organización académica de bioderecho más importante del mundo.


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