Textual and contextual dialogue argumentation in the framework of transitional justice in Colombia

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Deiby Alberto Sàenz Rodrìguez


This article seeks to analyze the incidence of Transitional Justice in Colombia in the scenario of Constitutional Dialogue in the guarantees of non-repetition from the implementation of the Special Agreement for Peace. In this sense, a fieldwork was elaborated through structured surveys to the inmates of the Penitentiary and Prison Establishment of High Security with Maximum Security of Combita Boyacá EPAMSCASCO of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute INPEC and different sectors of the Colombian society.

Article Details

Articulos PI Vol. 33
Author Biography

Deiby Alberto Sàenz Rodrìguez

Post Doctor en Derechos Humanos. Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas, Doctor en Estudios Legales, Doctor en Derecho Público, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación.


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