Evaluation of the structural behavior of a granular base with partial substitution of the fine aggregate by lamination calamine

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David Ricardo Pérez Moreno
Hernán Gustavo Mayorga Cáceres


Calamine or rust scale is an important residue of steelmakers, mainly steel mills; This waste represents an environmental and economic problem for the different companies, taking into account that this material can be used by reincorporating it in a productive process. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and evaluate the structural incidence of partial substitution of the fine aggregate of a granular base (BG- 38) with calamine. Two tests were carried out with granular base material supplied by the Solarte-Solarte consortium; a control test with three specimens (without calamine) manufactured with a different level of compaction as stipulated in the standard for conducting the CBR test (5 layers of compaction with 10, 25 and 56 strokes); and thesecond with three specimens replacing 35.53% of the fine material with calamine; also with different compaction energies, these molds were submerged and finally failed with the California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) test; obtaining the following results: the control test yielded a unit weight of 20,804 kN / m3 at 95% of the CBR while the calamine test gave a value of 19,859 kN / m3.

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How to Cite
Pérez Moreno, D. R., & Mayorga Cáceres, H. G. (2020). Evaluation of the structural behavior of a granular base with partial substitution of the fine aggregate by lamination calamine. L’esprit Ingénieux, 9(1), 29-44. Retrieved from http://revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/lingenieux/article/view/1842
Artículos L´esprit Ingenieux Vol.9-1
Author Biographies

David Ricardo Pérez Moreno

Ingeniero Civil. Especialización en Geotecnia Vial y Pavimentos.Universidad Santo Tomás – Seccional Tunja.

Hernán Gustavo Mayorga Cáceres

Ingeniero Civil. Especialización en Geotecnia Vial y Pavimentos.Universidad Santo Tomás – Seccional Tunja.


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