The urban order and the incaic architecture in The greater machu picchu

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Liseth Natalie Fagua Niño
Laura Yinet Pedraza Lancheros


In 1438 the Inca Empire began its farmation and lasted until 1533 when Francisco Pizarra, takes possession of Cuzco the capital of the empire, however, until this moment Machu Picchu was not known nor by the invaders themselves. Perhaps it was the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911 or another character who faund the ruins, the only certain thing was that a new and spectacular world was faund far the architecture and history of the human being, far the incredible handling with nature and the urban organization of this other world far what until now was the entire Inca empire. From its entrance to each of the spaces that made up the big city, had as their purpose the relationship with nature, topography, use, construction materials and so splendid management of them, without going so far from these architectural strategies, we can find all these characteristics in the great handling of the stone in such a complicated topography and the spatial distribution of the city. 

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Author Biographies

Liseth Natalie Fagua Niño

Estudiante Arquitectura. Universidad Santo Tomás, seccional Tunja. Colombia.

Laura Yinet Pedraza Lancheros

Estudiante Arquitectura. Universidad Santo Tomás, seccional Tunja. Colombia.


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