International designa Experience: urban revitalization of mass housing

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José Luis Peña González


his article presents the experience lived as part of the work team led by Architect Paula Higuera who obtained the second place in Colombia, inthe URBAN REVITALIZATION OF MASS HOUSING, within the framework of the Seventh UN World Urban Forum, held in Medellín, on April 11, 2014. This explains a way to apply the knowledge acquired as a student of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Santo Tomás de Tunja, in the research component, in a real international experience. These types of testimonies are important in the academy as a reflection on the importance of research in the training of architecture professionals. In the same way, it is an invitation for future professionals in architecture and related fields to explore these academic, student and professional possibilities. The article presents in the first place, the methodology for the formulation of the proposal that was presented in the contest, by means of a partial plan; Then, research aspects acquired in the formation of the Faculty of Architecture of the Santo Tomás de Tunja University are presented, which were applied in the formulation of the project; Finally, a reflection is made on the importance of research in the practice of architecture and urban planning as a means to problematize and assume a critica! position in front of reality.

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Author Biography

José Luis Peña González

Arquitecto egresado de la Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Tunja


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